
Sunday, April 18, 2021

First-Aid Policy & Procedure



Following OSHAD-SF First Aid and Medical Emergency Treatment - CoP 4.0 - Version 3.1-3rd June 2018/and or OSHA Organization to designate at each place of work under his/her control such many occupational first-aiders as is mandatory to provide first-aid at the place of work/worksite/project concerned. It also needs (ORGANIZATION) to ensure that the number of occupational first-aiders, their training and the equipment available to them is adequate, taking into account the size and hazards or both of each place of work.

This policy and procedure set out the resources in place to ensure compliance with this Regulation.


This policy and procedure apply to all staff members, students, contractors/service providers, visitors and campus users.


First Aid

  • First Aid (FA) is the prompt treatment in life-threatening situations/circumstances (for example heart stoppage or severe bleeding) pending medical assistance/help, or the instantaneous treatment for minor injury (cuts, bruises etc.)
  • First Aid (FA) does not cover the administration of drugs or medications. First Aid (FA) does not include Aftercare Treatment (AT) for injuries and illnesses.

Occupational First-Aider (OFA)

  • An Occupational First-Aider (OFA) means a person who is well trained, competent and qualified in occupational first-aid.
  • If particular or unfamiliar hazards are present, the occupational first-aider must receive extra or specialized training specific to the first-aid requirements for special hazards.


Heads of (ORGANIZATION) /Function should ensure that first-aid arrangements are identified and addressed in their Safety Statement and risk assessments. In assessing first-aid requirements, Heads of (ORGANIZATION)/Function should ensure that provision is made for Morning, evenings shift of work activities, etc. As a minimum, all worksites, office, kitchens Vehicles should have a first-aid kit.

Other factors to be considered include the following: 

  • Determining first-aid arrangements for General International
  • First-aid provision
  • Guidelines on first-aid at places of work
  • Recommended contents: first-aid box/travel kit
  • First-aid rooms

If new processes and or activities/tasks are introduced, Risk Assessments (RA) must be reviewed accordingly to determine whether Extra arrangements are needed or if extra/particular hazard training for occupational first-aiders is necessary. 

Heads of (ORGANIZATION)/Function should ensure that all staff who:

  • Engage in lone/out of hours access
  • Work or supervise in Office, worksites workshops, Transport and other areas identified through risk assessments are trained in one day emergency first-aid.

Health & Safety Office

  • Provide information (notes) and guidance to staff members, labourers and other technical staff on any matter relating to first-aid.
  • Assist each department staff in determining their first-aid arrangements as part of the risk assessment process.
  • Make sure that First-Aid (FA) training and certification is provided in coincidence with the Staff, Training and Development Office.
  • Provide an emergency support contact number from 9 am-5 pm Saturday – Thursday
  • Provide first-aid stock and liaise with designated personnel in Organization/Functions to issue replacement stocks.

Designated First-Aiders

  • Provide first-aid to persons as required
  • Maintain first-aid kits to approved standards in the designated area in coordination with the Health and Safety Office. 
  • Always deal with each incident safely/securely by following the training they have received and follow the procedures set out in this document
  • Attend refresher and specialist training as required

Buildings Maintenance Staff Members

  • Assist staff members/administer first-aid with first-aid when required
  • Undertake the training mandatory for them to accomplish their work safely
  • Always deal with each incident safely/securely by following the training they have received and follow the procedures set out in this document

All Staff Members, labourers and Campus Users

  • Always be aware of the Organizational First-aid Policy & Procedure
  • Co-operate with Heads of Organization/responsible person/Function to ensure sufficient arrangements are in place
  • Report all incidents immediately
  • Report any missing stock from the first-aid kit to the Head of Organization/responsible person/Function


5.1 Procedure in case of an incident (injury/illness)

a) The first-aider should be notified immediately. A list of First-Aiders (FA) is available in each Safety Statement of the organization/company.

b) The First-Aider (FA) must decide on Examining/observation the situation whether to:

  • In case of a minor injury/illness treat the person.
  • Refer to any Health centre if it is a staff/employee
  • Advise the person/staff to go home
  • Advise that the person returns to work
  • Call Emergency Services (999/911) if serious or in doubt

c) If a patient is referred/sent home/to local A & E, they should be accompanied by a friend/responsible person. 

d) The accompanying/co-worker/colleague person should stay with the person until they are under the care of/are attended to by a nurse or doctor, or until next of kin/a family member/partner/friend arrives to be with them.   If the person is not returning to work, then the accompanying person must report back to their Head of Department/Function

e) The first-aider should delegate a competent person to inform the next of kin of injury/illness (only necessary when the casualty is being hospitalized). This must only fulfil with the person’s consent

f) If known, the first-aider should inform the relevant Head of department/HR/Function if the person does not return to work the following day and the Health and Safety Office should be informed

g) All First-Aid (FA) treatments should be documented on an organizational/company’s incident report form.   The Head of the department will make sure that an incident report form is accomplished/filled and forwarded to the Health and Safety Officer of the company

h) If Emergency Services (ES) are needed, the first-aider should nominate a person to contact the Emergency Services. 

The following sequence should take place:

  • The appointed First Aider person should clearly state the accurate location and suspected condition of the casualty, how many people required help, inform of any potentially fatal hazards e.g., flammables etc.
  • They should not hang up from the operator until the operator is satisfied with all the necessary information
  • They should return to the First-Aider (FA) and inform them that the task is accomplished
  • They should report all information to the front desk immediately and ensure that a clear and unblocked passageway is available for Emergency Services (ES)
  • They should fulfil and direct Emergency Services to the immediate area


(ORGANIZATION) will provide education and training opportunities to all staff members to increase awareness and knowledge of first-aid arrangements.  This will be eased and assisted by the Health & Safety Office and Staff Training & Development Office. First–Aid Arrangements (FAA) will be communicated properly and essentially to staff by the relevant organizational department in association with the Health and Safety Office (HSO) and all details are available in the risk assessments.


This policy and procedure will be reviewed on at least an annual basis and its effectiveness will be further reviewed as part of the post-incident process.

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