
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 05, 2024




Maintaining a Safe and Sanitary Workplace

This Facilities Housekeeping Inspection form uploaded by HSE Documents serves as a vital tool for ensuring a clean, organized, and safe work environment. It guides inspectors through a comprehensive evaluation of various facility areas, including floors, storage spaces, restrooms, and common areas. The checklist assesses aspects like general cleanliness, proper waste disposal, unobstructed walkways, and the absence of trip and slip hazards. It also verifies the proper storage of flammable materials and the accessibility of emergency equipment.

By frequently completing this form, facilities can proactively identify and address housekeeping issues. This not only promotes a more pleasant work environment but also minimizes safety risks.  The documented inspections provide a record for tracking progress and demonstrating commitment to a safe work environment.

1.0. Floors and Other Areas 

1.1. Are floors clean and clear of waste?

1.2. Are signs posted to warn of wet floors?

1.3. Are floors in good condition? Are there holes, worn or loose tile or carpet sticking up?

1.4. Are personal items, such as clothing and lunch boxes, in assigned lockers or storage areas?

1.5. Is the work area cluttered?

2.0. Aisles and Stairways

2.1. Are aisles unobstructed and marked?

2.2. Are aisles wide enough to accommodate workers and equipment comfortably? 3ft

2.3. Is the workplace lighting adequate? Are Stairs well-lit?

2.4. Are faulty stair treads repaired?

3.0. Spill Control

3.1. Are all spills wiped up?

3.2. Are procedures followed as indicated on the safety data sheets?

3.3. Are spill absorbents used for greasy, oily, flammable or toxic material?

3.4. Are used rags and absorbents disposed of promptly and safely?

4.0. Waste Disposal

4.1. Is there an adequate number of waste containers?

4.2. Are there separate and approved containers for toxic and flammable waste?

4.3. Are waste containers located where the waste is produced and labelled?

4.4. Are toxic and flammable waste chemicals handled properly?

5.0. Storage

5.1. Is material stacked securely, blocked or interlocked if possible?

5.2. Are materials stored in areas that do not obstruct stairs, fire escapes, exits or firefighting equipment?

5.3. Are materials stored in areas that do not interfere with workers or the flow of material?

5.4. Are bins and racks provided where material cannot be piled?

5.5. Are all storage areas marked?

5.6. Do workers understand material storage and handling procedures?

6.0. Fire Prevention

6.1. Are combustible and flammable materials present only in the quantities needed for the job at hand?

6.2. Are combustible and flammable materials kept in safety cans during use?

6.3. Are sprinkler heads clear of stored material?

6.4. Flammable Storage cabinets labelled “Flammable”.

6.5. Are fire extinguishers inspected and mounted?

6.6. Are oily or greasy rags placed in metal containers and disposed of through waste management?

7.0. Chemical Storage & Safety

7.1. Chemical containers are properly labelled, stored, and closed when not in use.

7.2. Refrigerators/Freezers properly labelled.

7.3. Chemical stocks purged of old, outdated, and unusable chemicals.

8.0. Compressed Air and Compressed Gasses

8.1. Compressed air 30 psi or less for machine/part cleaning, and 10 psi for clothing.

8.2. Gas cylinders are legibly marked as to their contents.

8.3. Gas cylinders are stored away from high heat, flames, etc.

8.4. Gas cylinders, valves, couplings, and regulators are kept free of oil and grease.

8.5. Empty gas cylinders labelled “Empty” closed, and caps on.

8.6. Hazardous Waste & Material Disposal and Recycling

8.7. Fluorescent, HID, and Mercury vapour lamps are recycled properly.

8.8. Non-alkaline batteries (lead acid, Ni-cad, silver, etc.) are managed for recycling.

9.0. Manuals, Training, SOP’s, SDS’s

9.1. Standard Operating Procedures & Safety Data Sheets readily available.

9.2. Safety Equipment and Emergency Preparedness

9.3. Eyewash & safety shower unobstructed and inspected as required.

9.4. Appropriate spill kit available and stocked.

9.5. Emergency contact information is posted at the entrance.

10.0. Electrical Safety

10.1. Extension cords are not used as permanent wiring.

10.2. Extension cords and power strips are not daisy-chained from one to another.

10.3. Electrical cords not under carpet/rugs, through doorways, or in high-traffic areas.

10.4. Power cords are in good condition with no splices or broken insulation.

10.5. Grounding prongs not removed from 3-way plugs.

10.6. Outlet, switch and junction box covers are in place and in good repair.

10.7. Electrical outlets not overloaded with appliances, i.e. splitters used.

10.8. Energized parts, circuits, and equipment guarded against accidental contact.

11.0. General Work Environment & Indoor Air Quality

11.1. Noise levels are within acceptable limits or engineering controls established.

11.2. Areas with high noise levels and hearing protection are required to be used. 

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 04, 2024



This Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) uploaded by HSE Documents outlines the procedures and precautions to ensure a safe working environment for all personnel involved in interior fit-out activities. It addresses common hazards associated with this type of work, including manual handling, exposure to dust and chemicals, falls from height, and use of power tools.

The SWMS details control measures to mitigate these risks, such as the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), safe work practices for lifting and carrying materials, proper ventilation for dust control, and electrical safety protocols.  This document serves as a guide for workers and supervisors, promoting a proactive approach to safety during the interior fit-out project.

Remember, this SWMS is a starting point and should be adapted to the specific details of your project. It's crucial to consult with relevant regulations and standards for your region to ensure complete compliance.

Table of Contents

1.0. Scope

2.0. Qualifications & Experience

3.0. Personnel Duties & Responsibilities

4.0. Training Requirements

5.0. Plant & Equipment

6.0. Maintenance checks

7.0. Prescribed Occupations and Scheduled Work

8.0. Procedure

9.0. Selection and Use

10.0. Procedure:

10.1. Hazardous Substances

10.2. Employers Responsibilities

10.3. Hazardous Substances

10.4. Electrical

10.5. Inspection and Tagging

10.6. Scaffolds

10.7. Scaffolds - continued

10.8. Top Plate Hung Brackets

10.9. Top Plate Hung Brackets

10.10. Scaffolds over 4m fall height

10.11. Edge Protection

10.12. Single-plank working platforms

10.13. Placement of Loads on Working Platform

10.14. Working at Height

10.15. Falling Object Protection

11.0. Risk Assessment

1.0. Scope

This Safe Work Method Statement is to be used by all workers and subcontractors employed by [Company Name] as Complete Office Fitouts as a guideline to perform works as Interior Fitouts and installers This SWMS is used as a guide for work involved in the following work. This work may include the following:

Site establishment

Demolition of existing fit-outs.

Rubbish Removal

Installation & Fitout


Electrical installation


Carpet layers

HVAC Works

Plasters / Plastering


Glass & aluminium Installers

All construction works completed on this project will be reviewed by the trades involved to make alterations to this SWMS. This review will be completed by all trades involved at the time of construction.

2.0. Qualifications & Experience

Relevant State WHS Safety Induction for Construction Work

Competency certificate for the relevant trade

Subcontractors must supply a competency assessment register with their worker's details for approval by this Company.

3.0. Personnel Duties & Responsibilities

Comply with NSW/Government safety requirements

Comply with Superintendent Safety requirements

Comply with the Subcontractor and Principal Contractor SMP

Comply with relevant state Work Cover requirements

Operate equipment within safe limits and maintain safe work areas at all times

Observe site-specific safety rules

4.0. Training Requirements

Site induction to be completed to the Principal Contractor’s & Superintendent’s requirements

Use of personal protective equipment at all times.

Workers must have the approval of the Supervisor to work on-site

Engineering details, certificates, and Work Cover approvals required:

Council-approved plans (if required)

Induction Certificates to be recorded in the Safety Management Plan

Installation certification is to be supplied by the Principal contractor Codes of Practice & Legislation are to be complied with

Advisory Standards

Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2000

WHS Act 2011

WHS Regulation 2011

Electrical Practices for Construction Work

The Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011

5.0. Plant & Equipment



Electrical equipment

Laser Level

Concrete vibrator

Power tools

Pneumatic Tools

Gas Powered tools

Hardhats, safety boots

Eye protection

Dust mask

High visibility clothing

Sun protection

6.0. Maintenance checks

Daily pre-start checks by the operator

Maintenance by a competent person to Manufactures Specifications

All hired plant/equipment must be supplied with proof of maintenance checks

As a Guideline [Company Name] Complete Office Fitouts personnel are aware of the following Workplace Requirements when reviewing the above SWMS.

7.0. Prescribed Occupations and Scheduled Work  

The Principal Contractor and relevant state WHS Regulations require persons employed to perform scheduled works in prescribed occupations to be trained and hold certification relevant to the work being performed.

Management and workers must be aware of their responsibilities under the WHS Regulations.

An assessment of the scheduled work to be performed and worker certification required must be included in the employer’s Safety Management Plan, Job Safety Analysis (JSA) section and be provided to the Principal Contractor before work commences.

A list of worker competencies with proof of certification for each worker is to be provided to the Principal Contractors before work commences.

Regulations provide exceptions for trainees; however, the regulations must be complied with regarding training, supervision and the keeping of records.

8.0. Procedure

Employers are to supply employees with appropriate PPE as determined by hazard analysis assessment that is documented in the Job Safety Analysis or Work Method Statements.

9.0. Selection and Use

Employers will ensure all items of PPE are manufactured, used and maintained according to the relevant Australian Standards. Proof of Australian Standards compliance will be provided i.e. labelling

All issues of PPE to each individual are to be recorded in the employer's Safety Management Plan.

Each employee will be instructed in the correct use and maintenance of the PPE item before use.

The employee when signing for the receipt of a PPE item should also acknowledge receipt of the relevant training

As a general guide, no person should be required to lift, lower or carry loads above 55kg unless mechanical assistance or team lifting arrangements are provided. It is also generally accepted that adults are less likely to have a back injury if the objects are kept below 16kg.

The weights between 16kg and 55kg therefore require more care in the assessment process. Mechanical assistance and/or team lifting arrangements should be provided to reduce the risk of injury associated with these heavier weights.

10.0. Procedure:

The following procedures are to be adopted on-site and the Contractors Safety Management Plan covering this aspect is to be reviewed to ensure compliance with these minimum provisions:

Manual handling risk assessments are undertaken for all high-risk manual handling tasks and appropriate control measures are implemented.

Mechanical equipment is to be used for manual handling tasks where applicable.

Workers are to be trained and instructed in back care and manual handling

10.1. Hazardous Substances 

Before any substance deemed to be hazardous is brought to the workplace a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is to be supplied by the Sub Contractor or person bringing the substance to the workplace.


A Register of MSDS of all hazardous substances is to be maintained by the Site Supervisor. The First Aid attendant should also be aware of the MSDSs. Some products requiring MSDSs include:

Paints, varnishes and solvents

Glues, adhesives, jointing compounds, concrete sealants and encapsulates.

Industrial cleaning agents

Insulation materials

Cement and refractory products

Pesticides and herbicides

Welding fluxes and rods

Chemical anchors

Gases, inert and toxic

Motor fuels and lubricants

Substances of a like nature

Bitumen and cutting agents

10.2. Employers Responsibilities

When a hazardous substance is first supplied to a workplace the person in charge shall advise all employees required to use the product of the requirements concerning safe storage, use and handling of the substance.


All storage and use of hazardous substances will be by the MSDS.

All hazardous substances will be stored in their original containers with the label intact at all times.

Hazardous substances of any quantity will not be stored in crib rooms, container sheds or offices.

10.3. Hazardous Substances 


Where practicable the material with the lowest possible hazard capability that meets the technical requirements for the job will be used.

Refer to the Work Cover Publications for advice.

Advice on a substance may be obtained from a chemical database e.g. Chemwatch

Before using the hazardous substance all workers involved in its use will be provided with adequate information and training to allow safe completion of the required task.

Confirmation of this training will be provided by a “sign off” on the Hazardous Substances Register.

Contractors using hazardous substances must include all required information in their Safety Management Plan for approval by the Principal Contractor before work commences.

10.4. Electrical 

The Principal Contractor and Sub-Contractors will ensure the use of electrical wiring, portable tools and extension leads will be by relevant state WHS Regulations, Codes of Practice and Australian Standard AS-3000 Wiring Rules.

Regular inspections of electrical equipment used on-site and workshop must be completed to ensure continued compliance.

10.5. Inspection and Tagging

All electrical leads, power tools, junction boxes and earth leakage devices are to be inspected, tested and tagged by a qualified person at regular intervals to comply with relevant state WHS regulations. Test frequency for NSW domestic construction is each two months and each month for commercial/industrial construction.


Regulations require a register of all electrical equipment to be used on the worksite or workshop to be recorded including the inspection expiry date as shown on the test tags.

Subcontractors must provide a copy of the register to the principal contractor as part of their Safety Management Plan before work commences.

10.6. Scaffolds 

All scaffolds must be erected and maintained to AS/NZS 1576.1:2010 Scaffolding – General requirements and other relevant legislative requirements.

10.6.1. Scaffold Planks


Scaffold planks of solid timber, vertically laminated timber or metal shall comply with the dimensional and performance requirements of AS 1577:1993 – Scaffold Planks. The minimum width of a scaffold plank shall be 220mm. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) scaffold planks shall comply with the width and performance requirements of AS 1577:1993 – Scaffold Planks.

Each scaffold plank shall be permanently and legibly marked with the following:

Manufacturer’s name or identification

The number of the Australian Standard i.e. AS 1577:1993 – Scaffold Planks

Working load limit, in kilograms

For random-length scaffold planks, the allowable span, in metres, in compliance with

AS 1577:1993 – Scaffold Planks Loading

When used in a working platform at a duty loading by AS/NZS 1576.1:2010 Scaffolding – General requirements the maximum working span of a scaffold plank shall not exceed the allowable span marked on the scaffold plank.


a) Where scaffold planks are used as a single plank working platform, the spacing between supports may be increased to permit a deflection of span/80 at a working load indicated by the supplier.

b) Were multiple scaffold planks in a working platform are clamped together by a prefabricated component used by the supplier’s instructions, to prevent differential deflection, the spacing between supports may be increased to permit a deflection of span/80, provided that the working load on the platform does not exceed 240kg.

10.7. Scaffolds - continued


Portable metal and timber stepladders, single and extension shall be industrial ladders and shall have a load rating of not less than 120kg.

Only ladders marked as complying with AS/NZS 1892.1:1996 – Portable Ladders - Metal or AS 1892.2:1992 – Portable Ladders – Timber, their duty rating (i.e. INDUSTRIAL) and their maximum intended load shall be used on site.

Trestle Ladders

Trestle ladders shall comply with AS/NZS 1892.1:1996 – Portable Ladders - Metal or AS 1892.2:1992 – Portable Ladders – Timber and shall not exceed 5m in length measured along the front of the stiles.

Trestle ladders may be used to support the working platforms of one or more planks. Only one person shall be supported in any one bay of a trestle ladder working platform unless the working platform is rated light duty.

Note: Trestle ladders with a load rating of not less than 150kg may be used to support light-duty working platforms.

10.8. Top Plate Hung Brackets

Top-plate-hung brackets shall be supported by the top plate of the timber or steel house frame to provide a base for a working platform. The lower end of the bracket shall be supported by any of the following:

a) The outer face of the brick cladding through a member that spreads the load over not less than three bricks in any direction

b) The outer face of the wall frame through a temporary spreader spanning not less than three studs where the spreader is nailed or otherwise secured to the studs against which it rests.

c) The outer edge of the bottom plate or the outer face of the concrete floor slab supports the bottom plate.

10.9. Top Plate Hung Brackets 

Brackets shall be designed to support the intended loads in the most adverse position that a plank may be placed in. Where a bracket is intended to support a multiple-bay working platform, the effect of the concentration of dead and live loads from adjacent bays shall be considered.

Where a plank bracket is intended to support a guardrail, the bracket shall be capable of resisting, without permanent deformation.

Brackets shall be fabricated from steel or aluminium and shall be installed, used and maintained only as set out in the supplier’s documented information.

The design of a bracket that requires support from the house frame shall take into account the forces transmitted from the bracket to the house frame and specify the location, spacing, minimum size and strength of framing members to which the bracket is to be attached.

Where brackets are intended to support guard railing, the brackets shall incorporate guardrail ports or accessories to which the guardrail posts can be fitted. The brackets shall be designed to withstand additional loads that can be transmitted by the guard railing.

Stud brackets and top-plate-hung brackets shall only be used on wall frames stabilized by return wall frames or by other bracing.

10.10. Scaffolds over 4m fall height

Scaffolds over 4m fall height will be provided by the Principal Contractor and comply with AS/NZS 1576.3:1995 – Scaffolding – Prefabricated & tube-and-coupler scaffolding.

a) Workers on site must not alter or interfere with a certified scaffold. The site supervisor must be informed of the changes required and will arrange for a certified scaffolder to carry out the changes.

b) Scaffolds under construction and not yet certified are to be fitted with signs to advise other persons the scaffold is not complete and must not be used.

c) A compliance certificate is to be issued by the scaffold erectors to the Principal Contractor upon completion of any scaffold over 4m.

d) Subcontractors must include in the Site Specific Induction a safety inspection report of certified scaffolds which will be used to carry out their work.

e) Any scaffold where a person can fall 4m or more must be erected and dismantled by certified scaffolders.

10.11. Edge Protection

Edge protection or other fall elimination shall be provided where a person or object can fall more than 2m or such other height as otherwise determined by State or Territory legislation.

Note: A risk assessment may be necessary to determine the need for edge protection at a lesser height than 2m or at that stipulated in legislation. Where the nature of the work makes it difficult for a person to be fully aware of the proximity of the platform edge (e.g. overhead work), edge protection should be provided, regardless of the height of the working platform.

For a working platform 450mm or wider, the guard railing shall be no further than 100mm outside the platform edge. For a working platform less than 450mm in width, the guard railing shall be no further than 150mm outside the platform edge.

10.12. Single-plank working platforms

Where it is intended to use a single plank working platform, the following shall apply:

a) The work process shall be subject to a satisfactory risk assessment before implementation.

b) The plank shall be not less than 220mm wide and shall comply with AS 1577:1993 – Scaffold Planks.

c) Edge protection or other fall elimination shall be provided where a person or object can fall more than 2m.

d) Record risk assessment details

Note: Edge protection may be required where a person can fall less than 2m if the fall area is hazardous

10.13. Placement of Loads on Working Platform

Materials shall not be stored on single-plant working platforms. For working platforms, other than single working platforms, concentrated loads shall not exceed the loads specified in the table below. 


1. The major loads on a working platform should be placed near the supports. Other loads should be placed to give a uniform distribution on the working platform.

2. Tools not exceeding 10kg may be placed on single plank working platforms, provided that the working load limit of the plank is not exceeded when accompanied by workers and working materials.

3. Materials may be handled by workers on a single plank working platform provided that the working load limit of any plank is not exceeded.

10.14. Working at Height 

a) Working at heights 3m or more is high risk and requires a Hazard Assessment and Work Method Statements to be prepared as per the requirements of relevant State Government OH&S Regulations.

b) Platforms, scaffolds or any other work where a person could fall 2m must have handrails or other approved fall restraint systems in place.

c) Sub-contractors working at heights 2m or more must prepare a Hazard Analysis including Job Safety Analysis and Work Method Statements in their Safety Management Plan and provide them to the principal contractor for approval before commencing work on-site

d) Use of elevated work platform (EWP), Scissor or boom lift.

Check for overhead electrical hazards

Ensure the area is well-ventilated

Check equipment for serviceability; including warning devices

Check for obvious hazards in the area; form and level ground, overhead obstruction (live cables)

All tools and equipment are properly secured

Ensure maximum lifting heights and weights are not exceeded

All guard rails/access doors shall be closed before lifting commences

An approved safety harness with a lanyard secured to the proper attachment bar should be worn while operating the boom lift

No person shall be permitted to get on/off the elevated platform when in a raised position

Ensure warning devices are correctly operating

All materials, tools and equipment taken on the scissor lifter shall be properly secured to prevent falling while operating.

The book lifter shall be used as an access platform only, materials, equipment and heavy tools should not be carried

Do not position ladders, steps or similar access items on the platform to provide additional reach

Restore equipment to safe condition

Report any faults, undue wear etc. to the supervisor

Ensure all removable operating devices (key control pads) are stored separately

10.15. Falling Object Protection 

a) Organise work schedules to prevent the need for workers to be below other work which could cause falling objects.

b) Use Site Specific Inductions to advise workers of No Go areas around scaffolds, rooves or other raised work areas.

c) Barriers and signage to prevent persons from entering an area may be required to prevent injury from falling objects. I.e. when tiling rooves.

d) Mesh barriers on scaffolding or physical barriers such as hoardings may be required if persons cannot be excluded from the risk area.

e) Toe boards are to be erected on scaffolds, floors or raised work areas where materials could be dislodged and create a hazard.

f) Enforce head protection requirements. I.e. hardhats.

To Download The Editable file, Click on the below:

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Monday, June 3, 2024

June 03, 2024





Hydrogen Sulphide (SO2) is a by-product of all petrochemical processes, sewage systems, mines, and laboratories. It is a highly toxic gas, colorless, heavier than air, flammable, explosive, and corrosive. Its odor is not a reliable warning. Up to 5 ppm, odor can distinguish its presence as a rotten egg. 

Hydrogen Sulphide (SO2) is heavier than air, therefore it accumulates in low-level areas such as excavations, trenches, and oil tanks, all are considered traps for the gas. Hydrogen Sulphide is a combustible gas. It will ignite at 4.6 to 46 % mixture with air, it gives a blue flame when ignited. When it burns, it produces a toxic gas of Sulfur dioxide (SO2). Hydrogen Sulphide (SO2) corrosion is a factor in the formation of pyrophoric materials.


Concentration: 1 PPM:  

No Significant physical effects. The sense of smell for Hydrogen Sulphide (SO2) remains intact and can detect a rotten egg odor.

Concentration: 10 PPM:

Potential Effects: Eye irritation; 10 PPM is the threshold limit value (TLV)-the greatest. Concentration is safe to breathe without respiratory protection for a normal 8-hour work day, and 40-hour work week.

Concentration: 100 PPM:

Potential Effects: Eye inflation; corneal blistering, headache; nausea; cough; and sense of smell become ineffectual within 3-15 minutes.

Concentration: 500 PPM:

Potential Effects: Respiratory disturbances cause breathing difficulties; nervous system impairment can result in tremors, numbness in extremities, and convulsions; the ability to reason is lost.

Concentration: 700 PPM:

Potential Effects: Respiratory failure; unconsciousness; seizures; Loss of bowel and bladder control; fatal in 30 minutes.

Concentration: 1000 PPM:

Potential Effects: Causes immediate unconsciousness and death within minutes.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 01, 2024




Do you work in a facility that handles hazardous chemicals? If so, then this blog post from HSE Documents is essential reading for you. They delve into the critical topic of Process Safety Management (PSM) – a systematic approach to preventing disasters caused by accidental releases of toxic, flammable, or explosive materials.




2.0. SCOPE






7.1. Client/Owner








This practice provides minimum requirements for managing hazards associated with processes using highly hazardous chemicals. It defines [COMPANY NAME] and client/owner responsibilities regarding actions that must be taken to prevent or minimize the consequences of accidents involving highly hazardous chemicals.

2.0. SCOPE

This practice includes the following major sections:

  • Client Program
  • Application of the OSHA Standard
  • Responsibilities
  • Action Plan
  • Training
  • Confidentiality


This practice “PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT” applies to work activities and employees under the control of [COMPANY NAME] and its contractors.


Facility: The physical structure (such as building, equipment, piping, valves, instruments, and control logic) within which a given process is operated.

Hazards: A chemical or physical condition that has the potential to cause injury to people, damage to property, or harm to the environment.

Hazardous Substance: Any chemical or material that, when released or whose energy is released, can result in serious injury to personnel, property damage, or significant environmental harm.

Hot Work: Work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or similar flame or spark-producing operations.

Process: Any activity conducted by employees that involves a highly hazardous chemical including use, storage, manufacturing, handling, processing, or movement of the chemical, or any combination of these activities. Highly hazardous chemicals are those that are at or above threshold quantities (in pounds) as specified by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or in-country regulatory agencies.

Process Safety Management (PSM): Application of systems and controls to a manufacturing or chemical process in a manner that process hazards are identified, understood, and controlled so that process-related exposures, injuries, and incidents are prevented.


Each client/owner should develop a detailed PSM program suited to its specific organizational structure and needs. The client/owner’s PSM program must address:

  • Employee participation
  • Process safety information
  • Process hazard analysis
  • Operating procedures
  • Training contractors
  • Pre-startup safety review
  • Mechanical integrity
  • Hot work permit
  • Management of change
  • Incident investigation
  • Emergency planning and response
  • Compliance safety audit
  • Trade secrets

It should be reemphasized that the responsibility for developing the onsite PSM program lies solely with the client/owner.


The PSM standard, as defined by OSHA, applies to a process that involves a chemical that is at or above the specified threshold quantities listed in the Toxic and Reactive Highly Hazardous Chemicals List (Attachment 02) of this practice. Processes that contain or involve a flammable liquid or gas in quantity of 10,000 pounds (4,536 kilograms) or greater are covered. Other processes are covered due to their involvement of toxic materials and have lower threshold quantities. Covered chemicals, whether toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive are listed in Attachment 00 (unit of measure is pounds).

Note: The OSHA PSM standard does not apply to hydrocarbon fuels that are used solely for workplace consumption as a fuel (such as propane used for comfort heating and gasoline for refuelling). It also does not apply to flammable liquids stored below their normal boiling point without chilling or refrigeration.


7.1. Client/Owner

The implementation and development of the project/site PSM program is the responsibility of the client/owner. The specific portion of the client/owner PSM program that directly impacts [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor employees are the project’s/site’s safe work practices. Safe work practices such as lockout/tagout, confined space entry, line breaking, and control of personnel in areas of covered processes must be developed and implemented. These safe work practices must be passed to [COMPANY NAME] by the client/owner. [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor employees must be trained in these safe work practices. Other client/owner responsibilities include:

Obtain and evaluate a contractor’s safety performance and safety program before selecting them to work on a covered process.

Inform [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employees performing work on or near a process of the known or potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to their work and the process.

Explain to [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employees the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan.

Establish clear lines of communication between the client/owner and [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor employees who work in process areas.

Periodically evaluate [COMPANY NAME]’s safety performance.

Maintain an injury and illness log related to [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed work in process areas.


OSHA 1910.119 section (h) explains the provisions for [COMPANY NAME] employees. Only those [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employees whose activities bring them into direct contact with a processing unit covered by the rule are subject to the standard. The standard applies to employees who perform maintenance or repair, turnaround, major renovation, or Speciality work on or adjacent to a covered process. In these instances, [COMPANY NAME]'s responsibility is to:

Verify that each [COMPANY NAME] and/or contractor employee has the necessary job skill training and is qualified to safely perform his/her assigned task.

Ensure each [COMPANY NAME] and contractor employee is trained in the known fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards associated with his/her job and the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan.

Document and verify by testing that each employee received and understood the training.  Employees who do not understand the training may not be used to work in or adjacent to a covered process area.

Audit the performance of [COMPANY NAME] and contractor employees to confirm that they are working safely and following all applicable work procedures and safe work practices of the facility.

Advise the client/owner of any unique hazards presented by [COMPANY NAME] or [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor work or any hazards found by a [COMPANY NAME] employee.

Engineering/design operations where [COMPANY NAME] employees may be directly affected by contractor’s work that is not [COMPANY NAME]-managed will be included.


The first step in the implementation of the PSM program is to obtain the client’s/owner’s safe work practices, contractor procedures, and control procedures that are necessary to protect [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employees who are subject to PSM. A sample form letter asking for that information is shown in Attachment 01. Once those procedures are acquired, other steps that should be taken are listed below.

Identify each [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employee who is or has the potential to be exposed to chemicals or processes containing chemicals that are regulated by the standard.

Review all [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor work tasks or assignments to establish client vs. [COMPANY NAME] responsibilities regarding actions to be taken to prepare the employee, equipment, or area for work to be done.

Verify employee competency in a particular discipline such as pipefitting, millwrighting, and instrumentation.

Confirm that each [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor employee is trained in the client-/owner-supplied safe work practices or procedures necessary to safely perform his/her job.

Complete (or receive) a record of training/verification of understanding, using Form [00000000], Training/Education Attendance Log, or equal.

Review all work permits to verify that they incorporate the proper information that identifies the name of all chemicals that employees will have potential exposure to so that MSDS can be reviewed and the necessary precautions taken before beginning work.

Review and establish the need and training requirements for all personal protective equipment that must be used during work on process equipment.

Prepare a record that contains the identity of each employee, the date of training, and the means used to verify that the employee understood the training.

The PSM standard is performance-oriented. The development of each project/site PSM program will be dependent on the resources available. Assistance may be obtained from the Business Unit HSE Lead or Corporate HSE. To receive assistance concerning a PSM program, each project/site should contact the appropriate Business Unit or Regional HSE Lead.


Each [COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME]-managed contractor employee presently working on or around a covered process, and each new employee before working on or around a newly assigned process, must be trained. While the responsibility to ensure employees are trained lies with [COMPANY NAME], training need not be provided by [COMPANY NAME].

Training must provide an overview of the process and must emphasize the specific safety and health hazards, procedures, and safe work practices applicable to the employee’s tasks.

[COMPANY NAME] and [COMPANY NAME] -managed contractor employees will receive refresher training at least every 3 years, and more frequently if deemed necessary by the client or [COMPANY NAME] Site Management, or HSE, in consultation with the employees involved in operating the process.  [COMPANY NAME] must document that each employee received and understood the training. A record of training that contains the identity of the employee date of training, and the means (test) used to verify that the employee understood the training, must be maintained using Form [00000000].

Examples of typical training to be required to be provided would include safe work practices and programs such as:

  • Hazard communication
  • Opening of process equipment and piping
  • Lockout/tagout of hazardous energy source
  • Entry into confined spaces
  • Control of ignition sources (hot work permit)


Project/Site Management must inform employees that they must respect the confidentiality of trade secret information released to them and where exposure or access to trade secrets exist. Violation of this confidentiality is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


  • Global Standards
  • Australian Government Safety and Compensation Council; List of National Codes of Practice
  •  Safety and Compensation Council; List of National Standards
  • European Union European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
  • United Kingdom Construction Regulations 2007


  • Training/Education Attendance Log
  • Hazardous Materials


  • Attachment 01 Sample Form Letter 
  • Attachment 02 List of Toxic and Reactive Highly Hazardous Chemicals

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024




This document, prepared "RISK ASSESSMENT SANDBLASTING AND COATING" by HSE Documents,  assesses the risks associated with sandblasting and subsequent coating activities. It identifies potential hazards, evaluates their severity, and outlines control measures to mitigate those risks. By implementing these controls, you can ensure a safe work environment for sandblasting and coating operations.

Job Steps

1. Use of blow torches.

2. Grinding.

3. Sandblasting.

4. Application of chemical products.

5. Lifting Operations

6. Pre-heating of pipe joint

7. Application of coating product

8. Plant Machinery Operations

9. Manual Handling

10. Walking on site

11. Working close to heavy plant


1. Fire.

2. Flying particles, or discs.

3. Flying particles. Danger to other workers and the public. Compressed air. Static electricity. Noise

4. Use of Chemical Products.

5. Ground worker being struck by slewing machine. Ground workers are being hit by the material being lifted by machinery.

6. Use of induction coil or torches

7. Hazardous material being handled

8. Collisions with another plant on site. Contact with moving machinery. Overturning. Contact with overhead or underground services. Plant in collision with public traffic while exiting site onto public road

9. Moving and handling equipment Slewing loads. Pinch points

10. Slips Trips and fall

11. Moving Plant and Machinery


1. Explosion burns.

2. Eye or body injuries.

3. Injury to personnel. Skin abrasions.

Damage to respiratory system and lungs as a result of inhalation of dust.

Minor/serious injury to members of the public as a result of noise, dust flying particles, etc.

Minor/serious injury as a result of exposure to compressed air.

Electric shocks.

4. Constant noise exposure can progressively damage employees' hearing, leading to difficulty understanding critical instructions and warnings. This significantly increases the risk of accidents with the potential for serious injuries or fatalities. Dermatitis & environmental hazards.

5. Crush injury or fatality.

6. Burns

7. Inhalation of fumes. kin damage/Dermatitis

8. Ground-worker being struck by heavy plant causing crush injury or fatality or Ground workers being struck by material being lifted by machinery causing major injuries

Asset damage Fire Electrocution

9. Hands: Cuts, bruises, and fractures from tying wires or being struck by swinging loads.

Back: Strain, pain, and sciatica due to lifting or awkward postures.

Musculoskeletal system: Injuries to bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage from repetitive motions, forceful exertions, or awkward positions.

Soft tissue injuries: Damage to tendons, ligaments, cartilage, or muscles.

10. Personal injury i.e. Musculoskeletal trauma, including fractures, dislocations, lacerations, contusions, and facial injuries.

11. Physical injury, death

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024




This document "Method Statement For Installing Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)" uploaded by HSE Documents highlights the step-by-step process for safely and effectively installing a UPS system. It likely covers aspects like:

Preparation: This might involve reviewing relevant documentation, conducting a site survey to ensure proper space and access for the UPS, and verifying the delivery of all necessary materials.

Safety Procedures: The document should outline essential safety precautions for working with electrical equipment and batteries. This could include using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and lockout/tagout procedures.

Installation Process: This section would provide a detailed breakdown of the installation steps, likely including:

  • Positioning the UPS unit
  • Internal and external component checks
  • Cable connection procedures, emphasizing the separation of AC, DC, and communication cables
  • Battery connection protocols
  • Grounding the UPS unit

Testing and Commissioning: The document might specify procedures for verifying the functionality of the installed UPS system, potentially involving a load bank test.

Documentation and Handover: This section might address recording all installation details, obtaining sign-offs from relevant personnel, and providing handover instructions for operating the UPS.

Table of Contents

1.0. Scope of Works

1.1. Scope of Activities

1.2. Site Procedure

1.3. Preparation stage

3.2. Installation

Stage UPS


3.3. Testing and Commissioning

3.4. Preferred Brands

2.0. Health & Safety risks and controls

3.0. Access / Egress

4.0. Lighting

5.0. Plant & Equipment

6.0. Personnel Training Certificate

7.0. Hazardous Materials & Substances

8.0. Waste management

9.0. Special Control measures

10.0. Appendix

1.0. Scope of Works

1.1. Scope of Activities

This scope defines the minimum standards for installing Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). The UPS, Batteries, I/O Panel with integrated PDU, and all the internal power/control cabling will be provided and installed.

1.2. Site Procedure

Site mobilization shall be done with real-time monitoring of the conditions & progress of builder works. Before commencement of the work, examine the physical condition of the area. Photographs should be taken where necessary, before commencement and during work.

1.3. Preparation stage

The delivery vehicle will be parked in the loading area; the equipment will be unpacked and removed from the vehicle using the tail lift.

3.1.1. Verify compliance between the type label on the reverse side and the system ordered.

3.1.2. Check input and output voltage.

3.1.3. Copy the type label data to the label copy below for easy identification of the system.

3.1.4. Use a forklift or pallet to transport the system to the installation site.

3.1.5. Open the UPS doors and unscrew the metal straps mounted on the front cover of the UPS.

3.1.6. The UPS equipment will then be moved into position using scoots and pallet trucks.

3.1.7. The batteries and stand will be moved into the UPS room using pallet trucks

3.2. Installation 

Stage UPS

3.2.1. All parts are accessible from the front or top of UPS.

3.2.2. Identify and check against the delivery note all batteries, links, and cables are sufficient and correct.

3.2.3. Study the installation guide and layout drawings supplied by the manufacturer.

3.2.4. Attach incoming and outgoing cables to terminals.

3.2.5. Always keep AC, DC, and communication cables separate.

3.2.6. Follow the installation guide for power and communication cable entry.

3.2.7. Use commercially available approved solderless lugs for the wire size required for your application. Connect a wire to the lug using an appropriate tool.

3.2.8. Input, output, and DC cables are routed in separate conduits.

3.2.9. Verify all power connections are tight.

3.2.10. Verify all control wire connections are tight.

3.2.11. Verify all power wire connections have proper spacing between exposed surfaces, phase to phase, and phase to ground.

3.2.12. Verify that all power & control wires are run in individual, separate conduits.


3.2.13. Load new batteries paying particular attention to placement according to diagram and polarity.

3.2.14. Connect positive and negative feeds to the start and finish of the string

3.2.15. Connect one of the center links and note the voltage and polarity

3.2.16. The installation of batteries requires battery knowledge and should only be carried out/supervised by qualified electricians familiar with batteries. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.

3.2.17. Avoid rough treatment and opening of batteries. Released electrolytes are harmful to skin and eyes, and may be toxic. Refer to Annexure: 5

3.2.18. During installation, remove watches, rings, and other metal objects.

3.2.19. Use a tool with insulated handles.

3.2.20. Wear rubber gloves and boots.

3.2.21. Do not leave tools or metal parts on top of batteries.

3.2.22. Disconnect the charging source before connecting the batteries.

3.2.23. Determine if the battery is inadvertently grounded. If inadvertently grounded, remove the unwanted ground source. Any contact with grounded batteries may result in electric shocks. The likelihood of shocks will be reduced if grounds are removed during installation and maintenance.

3.2.24. After the installation of UPS, the Engineer-in-charge shall check the complete works and complete the Inspection checklist for UPS installation works. (See annex. 1 )

3.2.25. Engineer-in-charge shall arrange and request for inspection with the Owner’s representative M&E Residential Technical Officer (RTO) using the approved Main con Request for Inspection (RIN) form.

3.3. Testing and Commissioning

3.1.1. Check the power quality of the UPS output.

3.1.2. Check whether the harmonics are within the limit

3.1.3. Check the transfer time.

3.1.4. Check the sine wave composition.

3.1.5. Check battery voltage and internal resistance of each cell, including inter-cell and inter-tier connectors.

3.1.6. Check the temperature of the battery.

3.1.7. Check the currents and discharge events.

3.1.8. Check the individual cell voltage.

3.1.9. Check to verify that the UPS systems are performing to manufacturer specifications.

3.4. Preferred Brands

2.0. Health & Safety risks and controls

(Please refer to the attached Risk assessment concerning the above scope of works – Annex.3)

3.0. Access / Egress

The person in charge of the work will ensure that he and all operatives under his supervision are familiar with the correct access and procedures to the place of work. The correct access and egress procedure will be adhered to at all times.

4.0. Lighting

Adequate temporary/task lighting shall be provided if work is to be carried out at night or in dark places.

5.0. Plant & Equipment

· Hand Tools

· Power Tools (if required)

· Electrical drill (only for surface installation works)

· Diagonal-Cutting Pliers

· Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring

· Side-Cutting Pliers

· Shank Screwdriver/Flat screwdriver

· Compression lug crimp tool

· Cable to service bypass panel from system feeder

· Cable to UPS input from service bypass panel

· Cable to UPS input from external batteries

· Necessary conduit for above-listed cabling

· Knock-out set (for conduit)

· P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )

6.0. Personnel Training Certificate

(Annexure 4)

7.0. Hazardous Materials & Substances

(Refer Annexure: 5)

8.0. Waste management

The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of work will be disposed of at the designated dumping ground.

9.0. Special Control measures

· The following general control measures against Safety, Environment, and Quality shall be required for our scope of work and special control measures do not apply to us

· Proper PPE must be worn at all times

· Permit to work at height > 2 meters where applicable

· Lifting operation permit (using a crane) where applicable.

· Confined space permit where applicable.

· Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to the site. All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.

10.0. Appendix


Inspection Checklist




Project Organisation for Health & Safety Control


Risk Assessment


Personnel Training Certificate

ANNEX 5: MSDS for UPS Battery

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