
Wednesday, June 7, 2023




Table of Contents

1. Lift Entrapment Mock Drill Procedure

1.1. Planning and Preparation

1.2. Briefing and Explanation:

1.3. Simulation and Execution:

1.4. Rescue Procedures:

1.5. Debriefing and Evaluation:

2. Briefing:

3. Scenario: Lift Entrapment Mock Drill

3.1.1. Objective:

3.1.2. Scenario Description:

3.2. Preparation:

3.2.1. Planning:

3.2.2. Communication:

3.2.3. Participant Briefing:

3.2.4. Simulation Setup:

3.3. Mock Drill Execution:

3.3.1. Activation:

3.3.2. Emergency Call:

3.3.3. Response Initiation:

3.3.4. Communication:

3.3.5. Emergency Services Arrival:

3.3.6. Rescue Operation:

3.3.7. Debriefing and Evaluation:

3.4. Key Considerations:

3.4.1. Safety:

3.4.2. Communication:

3.4.3. Training and Awareness:

3.5. Evaluation:

3.6. Lesson learned from Lift Entrapment mock drill

3.7. Awareness of emergency procedures:

3.8. Communication and coordination:

3.9. Calmness and reassurance:

3.10. Proper use of emergency equipment:

3.11. Training for emergency responders:

3.12. Documentation and evaluation:

3.13. Regular maintenance and inspections:

3.14. Continuous improvement:

Lift Entrapment Mock Drill Procedure

A lift entrapment mock drill practice session was conducted by [Company Name] to simulate an emergency situation where individuals are trapped inside a lift or elevator. The purpose of this drill was to ensure that proper procedures are followed and all personnel involved are familiar with the steps required to safely rescue trapped individuals. Here is a general procedure that was followed while conducting a lift entrapment mock drill:

Planning and Preparation

Identify a suitable time and date for the drill when it will cause minimal disruption.

Notify all relevant personnel, including building management, security, and maintenance staff, about the drill.

Specific roles to the participants, such as the lift operator, rescue team members, and drill coordinators shall be assigned.

Ensure that all necessary equipment, including communication devices, rescue tools, and first aid kits, are available and in working order.

Briefing and Explanation:

All participants in a designated area shall be given a brief explanation of the drill objectives, procedures, and safety precautions.

The importance of clear communication, teamwork, and adherence to established protocols shall be discussed.

Simulation and Execution:

A lift/elevator shall be selected for the mock drill and the participants shall also be informed and briefed about the specific scenario they will be dealing with (e.g., power failure, mechanical malfunction, or entrapment due to overcrowding).

Initiating devices shall be activated for the drill to simulate emergency scenarios. This can be done by using a control panel or by temporarily cutting power to the lift.

Participants should follow the established protocols and respond as they would during a real emergency. This includes alerting the building management, communicating with trapped individuals, and initiating the rescue process.

The lift operator or designated personnel should attempt to communicate with the trapped individuals and provide reassurance while relaying necessary information to the rescue team.

Rescue Procedures:

Depending on the nature of the entrapment, the rescue team may need to use specialized tools to manually open the lift doors or override the control panel to move the lift to the nearest floor.

The team should ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken, such as isolating power sources, securing the lift car, and using proper lifting techniques if required.

Once the trapped individuals are safely evacuated, provide any necessary medical attention or support as needed.

Debriefing and Evaluation:

After the drill is completed, all participants shall be gathered for a debriefing session.

Overall performance, strengths, and areas for improvement shall be discussed for the drill.

Questions or concerns raised by the participants shall be addressed.

Any changes or updates that need to be made to existing protocols or equipment based on the drill's outcomes shall be identified.

Remember, the specific procedures and protocols may vary depending on the building's design, lift system, and local regulations. It is crucial to consult relevant authorities, building management, and safety experts to ensure compliance with specific guidelines and regulations applicable to your location.

Lift entrapment mock drills are important for ensuring the preparedness and safety of both occupants and rescue personnel in the event of a real lift entrapment situation. These drills simulate a lift malfunction or power failure, requiring occupants to remain inside the lift until they are safely rescued. 


A pre-drill meeting shall be discussed to explain the objectives, procedures, and safety precautions to all participants.

Scenario: Lift Entrapment Mock Drill

Here's a general procedure for conducting a lift entrapment mock drill:


To conduct a realistic mock drill to train and prepare building occupants and staff in the event of a lift entrapment situation. The drill aims to test the effectiveness of emergency procedures, communication systems, and coordination among relevant personnel.

Scenario Description: 

A multi-story building with several lifts will be used for the mock drill. The scenario will involve a simulated lift entrapment, where a lift with occupants will become stuck between floors due to a power outage. The drill will simulate a realistic situation, requiring prompt action and effective response from the participants.



The building management, in coordination with the emergency response team, will plan the mock drill. They will determine the objectives, participants, and logistics involved.


All building occupants will be informed in advance about the mock drill, including the date, time, and scenario. Clear instructions will be provided to avoid unnecessary panic.

Participant Briefing: 

Prior to the drill, a briefing session will be conducted to explain the purpose, objectives, and expectations of the drill to all participants, including lift users, building staff, and emergency response personnel.

Simulation Setup: 

The designated lift will be prepared for the drill. The power supply to the lift will be temporarily disconnected, causing it to stop between two floors. Simulated occupants will be placed inside the lift.

Mock Drill Execution


The mock drill will be initiated by designated personnel who will inform the building management or security about the lift entrapment scenario.

Emergency Call: 

A building occupant or a trained staff member will simulate an emergency call from inside the lift to the building management or security desk. The call will provide information about the trapped occupants, lift number, and location.

Response Initiation: 

Upon receiving the emergency call, the building management or security personnel will activate the emergency response plan, which may involve notifying the lift maintenance team, emergency services, and other relevant personnel.


Building management will utilize the communication systems, such as intercoms or emergency phones, to establish contact with the trapped occupants. They will provide assurance, instructions, and updates throughout the rescue process.

Emergency Services Arrival: 

If emergency services are involved, they will arrive at the scene and coordinate with the building management to assess the situation and determine the best course of action for rescue.

Rescue Operation

Trained lift maintenance personnel or emergency responders will take charge of the rescue operation. They will follow standard operating procedures to safely release the trapped occupants from the lift. The operation may involve manual release mechanisms, power restoration, or other appropriate methods.

Debriefing and Evaluation: 

After the drill, a debriefing session will be conducted to discuss the drill's outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and address any concerns or questions from participants.

Key Considerations


The safety of all participants, including both trapped occupants and responders, is paramount throughout the mock drill.


Effective communication channels should be established and tested to ensure smooth coordination during the drill.

Training and Awareness:

The mock drill provides an opportunity for building occupants and staff to familiarize themselves with emergency procedures, enhancing their preparedness in real-life situations.


The drill should be evaluated thoroughly to identify strengths and areas for improvement in emergency response protocols, equipment, and staff training.

Remember, conducting mock drills on a regular basis helps improve preparedness, enhances response capabilities, and ensures a safer environment for building occupants in the event of a real lift entrapment situation.

Lesson learned from Lift Entrapment mock drill 

Lift entrapment mock drills are conducted to simulate and practice emergency situations where individuals are trapped inside an elevator. These drills provide valuable lessons and help in improving preparedness, response, and coordination during real-life lift entrapments. Here are some key lessons that can be learned from lift entrapment mock drills:

Awareness of emergency procedures: 

Mock drills created awareness among the [Company Name] FM-PPM Engineers, supervisors, and technicians about the emergency procedures to be followed during a lift entrapment. This included the understanding of how to use emergency communication systems, such as intercoms or alarm buttons, to alert the authorities.

Communication and coordination: 

Lift entrapments can be stressful for those involved. Mock drills highlight the importance of effective communication and coordination among trapped individuals, building management, and emergency responders. Clear communication channels and protocols should be established to ensure a swift and coordinated response.

Calmness and reassurance: 

Participants in mock drills learn the significance of remaining calm and reassuring others during a lift entrapment. Panic can exacerbate the situation and hinder rational decision-making. By practicing composure and providing reassurance, individuals can help maintain a sense of calm among trapped occupants.

Proper use of emergency equipment: 

Mock drills offer an opportunity to familiarize participants with the operation of emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, or ventilation systems inside the elevator. Understanding the correct usage of these tools can be crucial during a real lift entrapment.

Training for emergency responders: 

Lift entrapment drills not only benefit the individuals trapped but also provide valuable training for emergency responders. These drills help responders understand the unique challenges associated with elevator rescues, improve their skills, and refine their rescue techniques.

Documentation and evaluation: 

Conducting mock drills allows for the documentation and evaluation of the entire exercise. Feedback from participants, observers, and emergency responders can be gathered to identify areas that need improvement. Regular evaluations of these drills help refine emergency protocols and enhance preparedness.

Regular maintenance and inspections: 

Mock drills emphasize the importance of regular maintenance and inspections of elevator systems. Identifying any potential issues or malfunctions beforehand can help prevent lift entrapments and ensure the overall safety of occupants.

Continuous improvement: 

Lift entrapment mock drills should be seen as an opportunity for continuous improvement. By analyzing the results and feedback from each drill, organizations can identify areas for improvement in their emergency response plans, equipment, and staff training.

Overall, lift entrapment mock drills help create a safer environment by enhancing preparedness, improving communication, and fostering a better understanding of emergency procedures. These drills ensure that both individuals and organizations are better equipped to handle lift entrapments and minimize any potential risks or discomfort experienced by those involved.



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