
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Weekly Fire Inspection Checklist

To prepare your weekly Fire Inspection Checklist for your worksite or facility, you can use the following key points and download word editable format as per your site requirement:

  1. Fire alarm, detection and Fire hose cabinet are operational.
  2. Fire department access to hydrants, standpipes, etc. is clear.
  3. Where applicable, smoke barrier and fire barrier doors are unobstructed and functioning properly.
  4. All staff members are trained and familiar with their role in the emergency evacuation plan.
  5. All fire escape doors can be opened immediately and easily.
  6. All fire extinguishers are in place and clearly visible.
  7. Are all sprinkler heads/nozzles free from paint, filament, dirt or hanging items?
  8. Temporary wiring is properly protected, grounded and supported.
  9. There is no evidence of unprotected splices.
  10. All electrical/transformer rooms are locked and cover the doors with precautionary signage.
  11. Fire drills carried out in site.
  12. The emergency evacuation plan is prepared.
  13. Cutting, burning, or welding is performed by permit only.
  14. Are emergency EXIT signs readily visible and lit?
  15. “No Smoking” signs posted
  16. Construction partitions are non-combustible and smoke-tight.
  17. Flammable liquids/substance are limited in quantity, used and are stored appropriately.
  18. Bulk or huge quantities of flammable liquids/gases/substances/chemicals are stored external to the construction area.
  19. Access to emergency services is unaffected by construction.
  20. Smoking is not allowed in or adjacent to the construction/facility area.
  21. Temporary heating equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation.
  22. LPG Cylinder using for cooking.

Download File

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