
Monday, July 6, 2020

Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Procedure

To identify the Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Hazards related to Organisation’s MEP, Construction activities, products or services, assess their risks and implement appropriate measures to prevent or minimize the likelihood of their occurrence. If such initiatives are not focused, it will turn into disastrous situations which might lead to severe fatal injuries or even deaths.
This standard operating procedure applies to all project sites of the organization. HSE in charge/department head shall ensure proper implementation and maintenance of this procedure, together with all relevant IMS documents.
  • HSE-Health, Safety & Environment
  • QHSE-Quality, Health, Safety & Environment 
  • LM-Line Manager
  • PE-Project Engineer
  • IEE-Initial Environmental Evaluation
  • Hazard-Anything with the potential to harm life, health or property
  • Hazard-The process of identifying all hazards in the workplace Identification
  • Risk-Potential outcome of a hazard. It is the possibility of injury, illness, damage or loss occurring as a result of a hazard
  • Risk Assessment-The process of assessing all of the risks associated with each of the hazards identified during the hazard identification process
  • Risk Control-The process by which the risks associated with each of the hazards present in the workplace are controlled
  • Significance-Organization will define its criteria to determine which aspects are Criteria “significant” and which are not. Additionally, all those aspects of the Organization’s operation within the scope of this procedure that are regulated by law will be classified as significant.

Hazard Identification Form

  1. Health and Safety (HSE) in charge along with the assistance of HSE team (Project Engineer/Manager, consultant or representative) shall prepare a list to identify all existing or potential health & safety hazards that have or can have a direct impact on the operations of all ongoing projects. Refer to Hazard Identification Form (as per organisation or client’s approved format) which shall be used for risk assessment activities and determining appropriate control measures.
  2. The identification of hazards shall be carried out by using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) form/format. Refer to Job Safety Analysis (APPROVED HSE/FORM FORMAT by the organisation/client).

Jobs tasks, Activities, or another work pattern which shall assist in the hazard identification process, include:

Walking through the area, which the hazard identification is targeting, is an essential information-gathering exercise even if the team or the individuals involved are familiar with the task. Observing how work is carried out /conducted will expose valuable clues about the hazards involved. It is important not to rely on the mere SOP for detail on how specific tasks are undertaken as workplace practice may vary greatly from the standard rules.
To identify hazards, check all available information. Among the key sources of information, which may assist in indicating how hazards have arisen in the past and are likely to happen again are:
  • Incident Reports
  • Weekly Report
  • Monthly Injury Record
  • Project Injuries Statistics
  • Initial Incident Report
HSE in charge/ manager shall also refer to typical health safety and environmental (HSE) Hazard List as an aid in the identification of hazards.  This list of typical HSE hazards associated with the activities, products or services of Business Area /Projects shall be reviewed at least an annual basis.
  • Hazard identification (HZ) process shall be carried out before and during the introduction of a new work system to a workplace, before and during alterations to the use or the location of a working system, and wherever new hazard information becomes available.
  • Worksite/project HSE in charge along with the assistance of HSE team shall prepare an Initial Environmental Evaluation (IEE) to identify all existing or potential environmental impacts and hazards related to them that have or can have a direct impact on the operations of all Business Support Department /Projects, and society. potential environmental impacts report will be prepared on (HSE RECOMMENDED FORMAT FORM) and used to perform the quantitative risk assessment.

All MEP/Construction Activities, which shall assist in the identification process of environmental impacts & hazards related to them, include:

Material Energy Equipment Chemicals Other Water analyses of Organisation activities, products or services from A-Z following (HSE/FORM Format), will characterize and quantify the inputs & outputs to air, water, land, noise & heritage. This would ultimately enhance the idea of environmental design. This approach will not only enable the Organization to comply with the regulatory requirements but enhance cost savings and differentiation in its activities, products and services. HSE team (including consultants and managers) will fill out the questionnaire (HSE/FORM). This exercise will help in determining the significance of the environmental issue. Issues affected by regulatory requirements (The state where business exist) will be given the highest priority.
Assess the identified Health and Safety impacts in terms of occurrence and significance using the H & S Risk Assessment Form. The Risk Assessment Form shall provide a Risk Rating considering the following inputs:

1- Likelihood of occurrence, which are ranked in order as (a) Very Likely
  • Likely
  • Occasionally
  • Unlikely
  • Highly Unlikely
A consequence of impact (significance of impacts), which are ranked in order as:
  • Fatality
  • Major Injury (c) Minor Injury (d) First Aid
  • (e) Negligible

Identified Environmental Impacts Assessment

Assess the identified Environmental impacts in terms of occurrence and significance using the Environmental Risk Assessment and Control Form (HSE recommended format). 
The Risk Assessment form shall provide a Risk Ranking considering the following inputs:
2-  The Likelihood of occurrence is ranked in order from (a) Very Likely
  • Likely
  • Occasionally
  • Unlikely
  • Highly Unlikely
3- The severity of Consequence is ranked in order from (a) None
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high
Once the likelihood and consequence of the potential HSE hazards have been identified, their risks can be prioritized/rated by placing the appropriate time limit bands against the risks, such as:
  • Insignificant risk so no action required
  • Must be attended to preferably within 1 month but issues such as funding may make it more appropriate to rectify the hazard up to 12 months later
  • Should be attended and remedial measures to be put in place immediately
  • Risks should be attended to within one working day and interim controls to be put in place immediately
  • Risks must be attended to immediately. Activities should be suspended until controls are in place

Analyzation of Derived Data

Analyze the data collected during the hazard identification and risk assessment process and develop a plan to control the risks identified. HSE in charge shall allocate tasks to relevant personnel and prioritize control using the Environmental Risk Assessment and Control Form (HSE form format and H & S Risk Assessment and Control Form (HSE Format.
The results of the risk assessment process are recorded systematically. This means itemizing the following:
  • Project
  • Location involved
  • Hazard involved
  • Risk Rating
  • Control Measures taken
  • The person responsible for risk control

Hierarchy of Control 

Eliminate the hazards giving rise to the risk, thereby eliminating the risk. Use risk control ‘hierarchy’ to control risk. The hierarchy is as follows:
E -   Eliminate the hazard
R -  R reduce risk
I -    Isolate the hazard from people
C -   Control the extent of exposure/contact with the hazard
P -   Personal Protective equipment
D -  Discipline
  1. Worksite HSE in charge will also assess activities of stakeholders that may impact the Organization’s HSE objectives and targets.
  2. This procedure should be reviewed on an annual basis and/or when significant changes occur to the Organization’s operations.
  3. HSE audits would be carried out following standard operating procedure on HSE Planning and Auditing (HSE-SOP-03) to ensure the operational control and conformance with the standards.
  4. The recommended corrective action reports regarding observed non- compliance are submitted to Project/Site Manager for implementation accordingly. Follow-up HSE Audit Report (HSE/FORM-APPROVED FORMAT) report is used to ensure the implementation of the recommended corrective actions of the previous report. The applicable preventive action is also incorporated in the system regularly for continuous improvement.
  5. The following format might be used for the Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Procedure:
  • Hazard Identification Sheet
  • Typical HSE Hazard List
  • Environmental Risk Assessment and Control Form
  • H & S Risk Assessment and Control Form
  • Life Cycle Check Form
  • HSE Audit Report
  • Environmental Hazard-Significance Identification Questionnaire
  • Job Safety Analysis Form
  • HSE Planning and Auditing                                               
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